IMPORTANT: Please read the LEGAL NOTICE at the end of HPAT-IRELAND Information Booklet 2024 (“the Booklet”).

By registering to sit the HPAT-IRELAND you are entering a binding legal agreement between You and The Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd (ABN 19 004 398 145) (“ACER”) in relation to your registration for the

HPAT-IRELAND, and all associated administrative and other consequent activities regarding the HPAT-IRELAND provided digitally in a HPAT-IRELAND testing centre or from another location by remote proctoring in 2024, consists of:

  1. The Booklet, including its Legal Notice;
  2. any ACER instructions issued from time to time regulating test takers’ sitting of the HPAT-IRELAND;
  3. ACER may wish to define ‘Test Day Instructions’ please see comment below; and
  4. this declaration.

(“the Legal Agreement”)

Ensure you understand fully and are familiar with the contents of the Legal Agreement before you complete your registration for the HPAT-IRELAND as it details important conditions in respect of your participation in the HPAT-IRELAND.

NOTE: the terms of the Legal Agreement may vary from sitting to siting of HPAT-IRELAND and, therefore, you should re-familiarise with each part of the Legal Agreement detailed above before each sitting of HPAT- IRELAND. You should not assume that the terms and conditions applicable to a previous sitting are the same in every respect as those which are set out in the Legal Agreement.

The declarations below signify You AGREE:

  1. To the Legal Agreement which will apply to your registration for and participation in HPAT-IRELAND in 2024 and all matters consequent thereon;
  2. In the event of a HPAT-IRELAND sitting in 2024 being compromised or having to be cancelled due to circumstances beyond ACER’s reasonable control it may be necessary for you to, and at ACER’s sole discretion:
    a) re-sit HPAT-IRELAND:
         (i)   on a date;
         (ii)   at a testing venue; and
         (iii)  with a remote proctoring service;
    b) other than that originally specified by ACER; and undertake further action in finalisation of those alternative arrangements;
  3. For logistical reasons and in ACER’s sole discretion, if required you may be allocated a date, time and testing venue or remote proctored session when available in respect of your undertaking of the HPAT-IRELAND i.e. you may not have a choice of date, time and/or venue;
  4. To comply with any direction, guideline or policy issued by ACER concerning compliance with public health orders or regulations applicable to your undertaking of the HPAT-IRELAND;
  5. That to sit HPAT-IRELAND in 2024 you are a bona fide prospective applicant to a course for which HPAT-IRELAND is a pre-requisite;
  6. You meet the requirements for eligibility set out in the HPAT-IRELAND Information Booklet 2024;
  7. Not to use or divulge to any third party, information concerning the test questions in HPAT-IRELAND for Your own or any third party’s personal or commercial gain;
  8. Not to post or publish any specific part or aspect of the content of HPAT-IRELAND. This includes publication on the internet, in any digital format or other format;
  9. the information you give in your application for registration for the HPAT-IRELAND in 2024 is true and correct. The giving of false or misleading information constitutes misconduct, may result in permanent disqualification from undertaking HPAT-IRELAND in the future, and may jeopardise Your chances of being admitted into any course for which HPAT-IRELAND is a pre-requisite;
  10. you are the person whose name and address appears on this registration and
  11. to ACER submitting Your written English responses to a plagiarism reviewer, currently Turnitin, for plagiarism including use of Artificial Intelligence checking.